Personal Insurance
Click on the categories below to learn more
Auto Insurance
There are two parts to car insurance. The most obvious is the part that relates to the car itself. Comprehensive coverage will reimburse losses due to dangers such as theft or vandalism. Collision coverage will pay to repair the car in the event of …learn more »
Homeowners Insurance
Homeowners insurance coverage helps to repair or replace your home and its belongings if they are damaged by covered perils, such as fire or theft. It may also help cover costs if you accidentally damage another person’s property or if a …learn more »
Flood Insurance
Did you know that your homeowners insurance policy does include coverage for flood damage? Insurance against flood must be added separately. A flood insurance policy also reimburses you for the work that you and other family …learn more »
Windstorm Insurance
Certain storms bring a high wind that exceeds the classification of what your home insurance policy covers. In these instances, you must have additional coverage in place to protect yourself. Windstorm insurance can provide coverage …learn more »
Condo Insurance
Condominium insurance provides coverage for your unit where your condominium association insurance stops. You are responsible for the inside of your unit. Generally, you need personal property and liability coverage in addition to …learn more »
Boat Insurance
Boat or Marine insurance is available for boats of all sizes including pontoon boats. Marine insurance covers proposed use including personal leisure, commercial use, or charter liners …learn more »
RV Insurance
It is important to choose a policy that incorporates the recreational value of your vehicle and does not treat it as another automobile …learn more »
Motorcycle Insurance
Motorcycle insurance allows the rider and the insurance company to share the risks that come with riding. The rider pays a fixed premium to an insurance company for coverage. The insurance company agrees to pay for certain losses …learn more »
Renters Insurance
If you are renting a house or apartment, renters insurance is essential to protect yourself and your belongings. …learn more »
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